Bring hope and transforming our community through empowering and innovative projects.

We are in some 2 km away from a village called Oboyan (north of Yaw Tenkorang,which is the next biggest village). The village has had a very horrific and checkered experiences with Fulani herds men in the recent past. The nomadic Fulani herds men invaded the area with their cattle to graze and destroy the local crop farms. Attempts by the villagers to ward off the nomadic herdsmen and their cattle were met with fierce resistance from the latter. To the extent that, some villagers were murdered and their houses also burnt down.

As a result, the entire village community absconded and deserted the land completely. Today, Oboyan village has become a ghost-town. The villagers dread to return to their ancestral land, not even after the national security apparatus intervened and drove the Fulanis herds men out of the area. Calm has now been restored to Oboyan village, and yet the village community is scared to return to the land.

Barnstock Farms want to assure the community that we aspire to revive activities in Oboyan village. The transformational drive that Barnstock Farm project seeks to bring to the community is reassuring and one of hope to the people. Barnstock Farms want to bring life back to the deserted village community; by empowering the village folks to overcome the very thing they dreaded.

It is the firm belief of Barnstock Farms that cattle and crops farmers can co-exist as long as the boundaries are set; and this is exactly what Barnstock farms want to bring on board.

Areas of Focus

Business Location

The original location for the project wasn’t Oboyan village, anyway but somewhere else. It must be put on record that, the past experiences of the village community with Fulani herdsmen culminated the birth of the project in the vicinity, thereby bringing life back to the Oboyan village.

It is believed that, as soon as the project takes off, some commercial activity will gradually roll out thereby stimulating the return of life in the area and giving some security to the natives to return to the village.

Business Location

Job Creation

Local artisan and unskilled labourers will be sourced and engaged in the construction process of the cattle kraal, paddocks and housing units. As much as possible, available local materials such as wood, Raphia palm trees etc. will be used in combination with other imported materials. The natives will be contracted to source for the local materials thereby creating employment for the villager folks.

In addition, skilled laborers like fencers, masons etc. will be engaged on the project. Furthermore, some of the village folks with the requisite skills will be employed permanently and others as casuals whenever necessary.

Job Creation

Off Taker Scheme

The Village folks who are predominantly crop farmer will be engaged in an out-grower/ off taker scheme, particularly in maize production. They will be supported and supplied with

  • Land preparation
  • Seeds
  • Agro inputs

They will be guided to produce maize that will be bought at a guaranteed price and on regular basis for Barnstock Farm business operations. The crop residue after harvesting is done, will again be harvested by Barnstock farm for cattle feeding.

Then after their lands will be prepared again for the next cropping. We believe that the scheme will be a healthy one that will to create employment and generate wealth on sustainable basis for the village folks

Off Taker Scheme

Climate Smart Agric

In pursuant with the farm business, Barnstock operations will be geared towards sustainable climate smart agriculture; The dung from the cattle will be used to manure the crop fields, whiles the crops and crop residue of the farmers’ fields will in turn be fed to the cattle. to ensure win-win situation for the farm and the village community.

Climate Smart Agric

Community Engagement

The Chief, Opinion leaders and the village community will constantly be engaged and supported with social amenities that are of interest to the community.

Community Engagement